
What Is miraDry®?

miraDry® is a safe, effective, non-invasive procedure designed to treat patients who experience excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis). miraDry®, which was approved by the FDA in 2011[23], uses microwave energy to destroy the glands (apocrine and eccrine) that produce sweat and odor in the underarm area. miraDry® is clinically proven to reduce sweat by 82% and odor by 89%, on average, after 2 treatments, however patient results and experiences may vary[24].

Prior to miraDry®, treatment options to reduce underarm sweating ranged from topical medicines, prescription antiperspirants or injections such as Botox®. These treatment options provide temporary relief for patients, as they slow the production of sweat in the glands, but do not eliminate the glands’ ability to produce sweat, requiring a continuous treatment regimen to maintain results.

The only long-term option for treating excessive sweating was Sympathectomy — the surgical removal of sympathetic nerves, whose impulses stimulate the sweat glands. Sympathectomy is considered a last result, as it has high risk of complication and produces irreversible compensatory sweating, which is not a side effect of miraDry®[25].

How Does miraDry® Work?

During the miraDry® treatment, a hand piece is applied to the skin surface that delivers timed microwave energy to the underarm area.

The microwave energy heats and destroys the sweat and odor glands (apocrine and eccrine) below the skin’s surface.

Once destroyed, these sweat glands do not regenerate in adults[26], making miraDry® a long-lasting solution for the reduction of underarm sweat and odor.

What Are The Risks/Side Effects?

According to miraDry®, the procedure has been performed over 450,000 times across 45 countries, and has been proven to be highly safe and effective.

Following the procedure, patients will experience localized soreness and swelling in the treated area, which should dissipate within 2-3 weeks.

Some patients experience temporary, short-term changes in sensation, which may include tingling or numbness, in the skin of their underarms or upper arms, which also dissipates gradually over time[24].

Preparing For miraDry®

The Week Before the Treatment
Patients should shave their underarms 4-5 days in advance of the procedure. Sweat glands mirror the shape of the hair growth pattern, so having a few days of hair growth allows the practitioners to easily identify the location of the patient’s sweat glands.

The Week Before the Treatment
There are no special preparations that patients will need to navigate on the day of the procedure. Patients can eat and drink as they normally would before the treatment.

What To Expect During The Procedure

To begin the miraDry® procedure, the treatment area is cleansed and then we utilize a local anesthesia using a syringe adapter to numb the underarm area prior to the procedure. The syringe adapter technique creates a “cooling pillow” to assure maximum comfort during the treatment.
Next a “temporary tattoo grid” is applied to the underarm. This grid marks the precise areas where the microwave energy will be delivered during the treatment. The miraDry® hand piece is positioned on the temporary tattooed grid and suction is applied to secure it in place.

Timed microwave energy is delivered to the area and, once complete, the suction releases and the hand-piece is moved to the next section of the grid. This process continues until the entire underarm is treated. Each underarm takes about 30 minutes to treat.

miraDry® Recovery & Aftercare

Patients will need to apply ice packs to the areas in intervals of 20 minutes (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for the remainder of the day to help reduce swelling. These ice packs will be provided to the patient the day of their appointment.

Most patients experience some swelling and tenderness in the treated area anywhere from 3-7 days.

Results are immediate, and patients should experience continued improvement in sweat and odor reduction in the coming weeks. Final results are assumed at 3 months.

Because only 2% of the body’s 4 million sweat glands are destroyed during the procedure[26], still allowing the body to maintain proper temperature, miraDry patients do not experience compensatory sweating.

Get a Consultation for miraDry®

We believe consultations are very important to help patients understand miraDry®. Our consultations give us the opportunity to get to know the patient and understand their individual case.

At Elite Medical & Longevity, consultations are done with a member of our clinical team. During the consultation, the patient’s medical history and underarm areas will be reviewed by the practitioner. We recommend wearing a tank top or camisole to make for easy evaluation of the underarm area. Patients will also be provided with a realistic expectation of results.

Many patients who come to Elite Medical & Longevity have done significant research prior to their consultation, and are ready to move forward with their procedure. For this reason, we can schedule both your consultation and treatment for the same day.