Insomnia + Sleep Apnea


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. One out of three people will experience insomnia during their lifetime. Insomnia is usually more prevalent in menopausal females and elderly people.

​Inadequate sleep can cause behavioral and cognitive problems such as day time fatigue, irritability, and difficulty with memory and concentration. Studies have also shown increased risk of motor vehicle crashes in sleep-deprived individuals.


At times, practicing good sleep hygiene is all you need to restore your sleep. However, you may require a prescription sleeping pills for a limited time to help you fall and stay asleep. If you think you have insomnia, talk to us. We will evaluate your medical and sleep history and perform a physical. We may order a sleep study if sleep apnea is suspected.

Factors Contributing to insomnia:

  • Sleep Apnea
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Jet lag disorder/shift work disorder
  • Sleep apnea and snoring
  • Significant life stress (job loss, death of a loved one, divorce)
  • Illness such as restless leg syndrome, heartburn, breathing issues
  • Pain and physical discomfort
  • Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures
  • Alcohol, caffeine, medications

Sleep is crucial to all components of health.

Yes, sometimes sleep apnea can be one of the causes of chronic insomnia. These repeated interruptions in breathing gradually and repeatedly lead to insomnia over time.

In insomnia, the main problem is difficulty falling asleep while the main symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, breathing pauses during sleep (usually reported by a sleep partner), feeling excessively tired during the day, and waking up with a choking sensation or sore throat. For an accurate diagnosis, please consult with our specialists.

In many cases, treating sleep apnea can significantly improve insomnia. When breathing pauses that cause frequent awakenings during the night are resolved, sleep quality increases and insomnia symptoms decrease. Of course, it is certainly possible that in some cases insomnia will have other causes, which will be determined after the initial examination of the patient.

Consultation is the most important part of treatment. If you have symptoms like headaches, sore throat, or a feeling of choking in the morning, or if your partner constantly complains about your loud snoring, or if you still feel sleepy despite sleeping a lot, contact us for a consultation.

Be sure to know that sleep medications should be used with caution. Sometimes these medications can even worsen this problem. Be sure to contact our consultants before doing anything.